
Cooking School in Lecce

The cooking school in Lecce is located very near to the center, just 5 minutes from the rail station. It has an area of 150 square meters entirely dedicated to the teaching of Italian cuisine. In addition to the common areas, the washing and pantry area, the cooking school has one perfectly equipped laboratory to accommodate 16 students at a time. Cooking laboratory is equipped with a multimedia system to speed up student learning. The area surrounding the school is fool of actractions, just inside history and amenities of this magic city.  The school offers regular courses for italian students and the masters for foreign students.

«Every student must be able to achieve a real new skill.
To do this it can not simply learn a recipe, but also understand the dynamics and the bases that compose it.
This will allow the student to vary the recipe and create new ones in pure Italian style. »



Studying cuisine in Lecce, a multi-sensory experience in Food, History and Art.

The advantages of studying in a cooking school in Lecce.

Your school is near the center of Lecce, one of the italian food capital, full of artistic and culinary wonders.

A baroque city kissed by the sun and the beautiful sea, between the white of the local stone and the colors of the earth, Lecce is located in the central-northern part of the Salento plain in Puglia.


Lecce, one of the most scenographic cities in Italy.

It is a city that you never stop discovering, full of history, art and culture. Characterized by columns, arches, numerous rose windows, but also by the typical small squares and unexpected alleys, it is dotted with wonderful noble palaces and stands out among the most beautiful cities of art on our peninsula.

Known as "the Florence of the South", Lecce amazes, fascinates and conquers with the archaeological remains of Roman domination and with the exuberance of seventeenth-century baroque, known here as "Leccese baroque", a unique expression of a popular language with Mediterranean roots.

Tourists from all over the world are also won over by the well-known Apulian warmth and the superlative food and wine tradition.
Lecce is a lively city that offers numerous opportunities for fun including creative events and annual appointments with tradition.

The history of Lecce is intriguing. It seems that its origins date back to the 5th century BC, but a legend attributes its foundation to around 1200 BC. by Malennius, immediately after the destruction of the city of Troy. The conquest by Rome ensured strong economic and building development.

With the fall of Marcus Aurelius' empire, Lecce suffered a slow decline. The arrival of the Normans in southern Italy revived the fortunes of the city, which became a county and subsequently the capital of Salento. Subjected to the Kingdom of Naples since 1463, Lecce acquired more and more importance until it became a lively cultural center which developed commercial traffic with merchants from all over the world.
The following two centuries saw the whole of Salento threatened on several occasions by Turkish incursions and Saracen invasions in southern Italy, so much so that, under the reign of Charles V, the city was equipped with a new city wall and a castle. It was precisely with Charles V that the era began that made Lecce one of the most important baroque cities and experienced a true Salento Renaissance.

After the unification of Italy, numerous public works made it even more characteristic, with an initial expansion outside the walls and the creation of new neighborhoods in neoclassical, neo-Moorish and neo-Gothic style.


Art and Culinary Culture near your Cooking School in Lecce.

Apulian cuisine in general is characterized above all by the importance given to raw materials, both land and sea; although there are dishes common to the whole region, the recipes vary from province to province and, sometimes, from city to city. For example, the typical recipes of the provinces of Bari, Brindisi and Taranto, located by the sea, are not the same as those practiced in the province of Foggia, which is more hilly, and of Lecce, which is more land-based.

A city full of culinary traditions.

The most typical dish is Orecchiette with meat sauce, but perhaps Orecchiette with turnip greens are better known outside the region. Another very popular land dish is chicory with broad bean puree, then there are seafood ones such as Cavatelli with mussels, grilled octopus or baked rice Bari style, also called rice, potatoes and mussels.

In particular, among the typical and most representative dishes of Salento there are municeddhi, rolls with lamb offal (variously named and also present in the Foggia area with the name of torcinelli), "ciceri e tria" and pieces of horse in sauce. Salento cuisine is characterized by numerous typical dishes, especially based on vegetables and fish. Then there is the potato pitta, a shallow potato pizza containing a large quantity of vegetable ingredients such as onions, turnips, tomatoes. Also typical is the bread with olives called puccia and, as far as "walking" gastronomy is concerned, the rustico: a thin pastry cooked in the oven containing a mixture of bechamel, mozzarella, tomato, pepper and occasionally nutmeg.

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Mon. - frie. 09AM - 08PM
(Italian time zone UTC +2)
